As I sit here on my couch a million things are running through my mine. So many that I can't stop and focus on just one thing. That's why I am writing. When I write my brain seems to slow itself down so I can concentrate long enough to make a single solid thought jump onto a blank page, this week has been crazy. I got a promotion at my job which I am pretty stoked about, the hours are not bueno but the pay is better and I will be getting way more hours =] Which will give me more money to shop uhh I mean pay bills and save for school with?... ha
Lots going on this month and especially these next couple of weeks, which is good because these next two weeks are going to be killer for my emotions and life in general (more on that to come if I survive the week)
I am playing my first show with my friend James (from Jimbo and the No Shows) at a classy restaurant on the river. It will be my first time doing any kind of public singing since high school so a little over two years ago, singing is a huge passion of mine and something that I have been wanting to get back into, James approached me a while ago about singing with him and then I brushed it off because of the same reasons I always shrug stuff off (I'm not good enough, what if I fail.. ect) but then a little over a month ago I was like ya know what screw it this is something that I want and need to do for me. The last three-ish years of my life I have been so focused on other people and work and blah blah blah I wasn't doing anything for myself that I enjoyed doing just because. Within two weeks we had our first show booked. Now today is the 17th the show is on the 28th and we have yet to practice but because of his wide musical talent and the fact that I have been doing things like this since I was 10 I am convinced we can pull the set list together in one practice, false confidence most likely but confidence nonetheless!
I am also trying to keep up with my beauty blog because that is something that I enjoy very much and I am trying to push myself to get out there more so hopefully my dream will come true and I can someday make a legitimate career out of being a makeup artist, btw any online makeup communities you know about please let me know!
Other things going on... I joined a gym, for you guys who know me you are all laughing right...NOW! I don't work out and I am in awful shape so I decided since I am on a self improvement kick right now hey what the heck lets just join a gym.. I have been a member for about three weeks and have been twice... yeah so much for that. In my defense though I have legitimately too busy to go to the gym, those of you who love the gym are mocking me because "there is always time for the gym" between my little sisters volleyball games, hanging out with my family and friends and trying to get a decent nights sleep there is not time for me to be bothered with my HEALTH... yes I know pathetic and I will start going more because I'm very out of shape and that must change.
I want to also get back into photography more. That was something that I honestly loved and have not been able to do for one excuse or another so I will try to start doing that again because I was starting to get pretty decent at it

Not as good as a lot of people I know but good enough for me =]
So that's just a few of the random things on my mind, I'll save the heavier stuff for a darker day.
How did the show go?