There is something so relaxing about sitting out in the backyard on a beautiful clear night listening to good music, watching the sun set, sitting with your dog at your feet. Call me weird and simple minded but I think its the little things that make life better. Its nice to just chill after a long day. The sunset was beautiful today, very peaceful. The only awful thing about Florida evenings is the mosquitoes that decide to eat you alive. So here I am shut up in my house on this beautiful night, after I got bitten on the bottom of my big toe I threw in the towel and came inside.
But by far the highlight of the day was my mother letting me drive her favorite lawnmower... which is a huge deal because they are always scared that I will run things over and kill people. By the way if you don't know me, my parents own and operate a lawn care service, my mom works a long side with my father as well as actually runs the finance side of it as well. Reason 983274958760932845 I want to be like my mother some day. At any rate this is the mower my mother has fondly nicknamed "the beast"

Just so everyone is aware this thing is huge and it has a cup holder which honestly makes me want to drive it up and down the street to see how fast it will go. OH! Another awesome thing about this is its called The Hustler.... I don't know what else could be better.
At any rate enough of my random ramblings.
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