Today is Friday... my day off and yet still I am up and awake before 8:00am.. its a sickness. At any rate this evening we are having some friends over and I was left in charge of cleaning the house. Its nearly 9 now and I am done well, mostly done, I always save the vacumming for last because I honestly hate vacuuming! Not to mention the fact that I know between now and when company gets here around 5 that my dog will have lost at least another 8 pounds of fur.
This is my puppy
Ok honestly he's not a puppy at all he's a full grown (will be 8 on Halloween) Black Lab, Boxer mix that's 115lbs in all his drooling glory and I love him. I got him from a friend at work who got transferred to our Barcelona, Spain office... must suck I know. <.< at any rate she couldn't take him with her and I felt awful listening to her cry about possibly having to take her beloved dog (Mackie is his name btw) to the pound. So on a whim I said I'll take your dog, and well here he is. I am very happy that we got him, and I can't complain besides the fact that he is not a good listener and the extent of his training is that he is house broken. But we will try to work through that.
The main problem though in getting a dog is my roommates cat who now hates life is suicidal and lives under her bed now.. People laugh when I say he is suicidal but he really is in his temper tantrums he licks outlets, don't ask me why either he is an adrenaline junkie waiting to be shocked or he wants to die, based on the dog I will be going with the later of the two.
This is the cat pre-dog
Giant, and in love with his bear.
I will have to post a picture of the bear sometimes since the dog got a hold of it, most of the stuffing has been ripped out and its fur is gross and normally wet from the dog slobber.
There is one bright side the the banishment of the cat... We had a third roommate move in not too terribly long ago and she is allergic to cats, so her not having to be around him is actually a good thing.
Hopefully the feud of the ages will come to and end in our house and our animals will live peacefully, I doubt it but one can dream right?
Well its off too pay my bills and figure out dessert for tonight..
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